Why looking back to your obstacles is not the right approach to get you forward and what does it mean to take action

Ana-Maria Nazare
8 min readNov 18, 2021


I used to live my life in a bubble, constantly overwhelmed and paying attention to what didn’t go well, exhausting myself to try better and hard and understand why things were not well. I came to believe as well that what I was experiencing was what I deserved from life, it was not for me to be happy or feel the joy for life. But this only got me deeper and deeper in my negativity, in me being highly influenced by external factors, I felt I had no internal compass anymore. And one day, as I was walking through the forest nearby my place, as some point, I stumbled but I didn’t fall. Yet in that moment, I had this quick thought in my head: what an amazing entire system our mind and body are, reacting in milliseconds to the environment to keep safe and well. What would have been my immediate reaction had I fallen? To get up it’s the thought that instinctively comes to my mind. Yet, I wonder why with aspects of our lives we don’t have the same immediate reflex.

When we are faced with a struggle, an undesired life circumstance, we have the tendency to repeatedly go over the PAST events that eventually triggered that outcome. When we are directly impacted by it, our first attempt (unconsciously to keep us safe) is to doubt ourselves, our skills and the capacity to anticipate and avoid such unpleasant events (be it a loss project, a job loss, breaking up with your partner, having a fight with a good friend, speaking not nicely to your family, you name it).

This approach leads to keeping us in the loop of the failure, in over analysing what happened and what could have been done differently. Thing is, we are looking with the eyes of TODAY to the past and for sure many ideas will come to our mind with what could have been done differently. And please take it as a good sign, it means we are already learning from this event. And we should embrace this and not torture ourselves over the thought of why I was not able to do x, y, z IN THE MOMENT ?

I like to use metaphors to describe and associate bigger events of life with something smaller and to which there is no emotional attachment, to allow for a more objective observation.

Let’s elaborate an example inspired by my forest walk: you are walking in a nice forest, having a nice walk and you get mesmerised by the landscape and lose sight of where you keep your feet … eventually there is a hole you didn’t see and you fall into it. In that moment, what will help you to get out of the hole is not being overly critical with yourself of not paying attention, but accepting you are in a hole and then ask yourself : what do you need to get out of there safe and sound? It’s not the moment to beat yourself up for this mistake or lose of sight. What you need to understand in the moment is that this event will require from you to grow, to gather all your skillset and strength to get out of it. It requires that you claim better things for you (i.e. getting out of the hole because it’s not the ideal situation for you to stay there), believe you are entitled to get out of it, and also acceptance and sit with it. Even if it is uncomfortable being in there, instead of fighting it, become friends with it, but only enough to gather the strength and power to attract the necessary resources to rescue yourself or be rescued or a combination of both. Instead of asking yourself: why is this happening TO me? Ask yourself: why is this happening FOR me? What do I need to know in this moment to get out of this (and move closer to the things I want)? And indeed, looking with positive mindset to an event that seemed to have put you in a hole (metaphorically or literally) requires strength, inner trust and a sense that you are deserving of what is the best in life. It’s only this mentality that will equip you with the strength to see the positive and learn new skills, outgrow your older skin for a better one.

It may be difficult to look at the positive in something that feels uncomfortable or hard to deal with in the moment, however if you have in mind the above (all is meant to give you the best in life despite of moments that could point out the contrary), you will look forward and embrace your full self.

Based on my experience, it never helped to have a vision by looking over the shoulder into the past. The following steps could be useful to get out of the loop of looking at the past and move forward:

1. Visualise yourself out of the current situation, literally create a mental image of you overcoming this moment, situation, event. If that is challenging, make an exercise to identify how you are feeling “on the other side of the bridge”, what feelings you treasure and why is that important for you;

2. Mentally build a “bridge” out of the situation, you don’t need to know now how, just literally imagine a bridge, a solid one, getting you out of the situation, supporting you with each and every step; sink in the feeling you get knowing you are crossing it, that you are progressing ;

3. Allow yourself kindness and compassion, having patience with your current feelings and accept that you choose for how long you want to sit with that situation or event, feeling, depending on your level of comfort that you are ready to take the next steps;

4. Be curious about the situation and ask yourself: what do I need to learn from this to move forward? the answer may be obvious for others but not yet for you, so again have patience for the answer to be revealed to you and enter your awareness;

5. Every successful step forward requires inward but also outward resources. Very often, we internalise the process and stop only at the question 4, what do I need to learn from this to move forward. However, with the same sense of open curiosity you need to ask ourself: Who should I reach out to and ask for help? What is the support network that I need in this moment?

6. Don’t feel ashamed if by honestly answering question 5, you will understand and accept that you need help and support from external sources. Actually, this sits at the foundation of being human and it totally fine to ask for help. Asking for help is a sign of strength and zest for life. When zest for life is bigger than the shame of admitting you cannot survive on your own on Earth, you are already winning and it’s a matter of time, until that success will uveal to you and spill in your life.

7. Don’t get overwhelmed if after following the steps from 1 to 6, it will seem like a lot of work. Start slow and start small, whatever that means for you. Talk nicely to yourself, like: ok, it seems there is a lot of work to do to get me further. Let’s see what I can do in this moment to keep me going. And it can be a coffee with a friend, breathing deeply (oxygen is life, so soak in more life into your body), rest, spend time alone or with your family or friends, travel, meditate, nourish yourself with healthy food, physical exercise, good thoughts, good feelings.

8. Be prepared for things to go even “worse” before it gets better. And take it as a sign that things are moving in the right direction (e.g. you may lose some friends, family may be disapproving of something, etc.). See this as an act of making more space for the better things that will come and letting go of what no longer serves you.

9. Following your feelings and let yourself guided by what feels good to you and what doesn’t. Our body, when in balance, has the capacity of guiding us in the direction of what is best for us. Don’t ignore the signs and trust them.

The above steps may seem not very task oriented or specific or action driven. And it may be true, because it doesn’t invite to specific, punctual tasks, but invites you to enter your body, live with your feelings, recognise and name them, learn to live with them and then identify what you want to feel more of / experience more.

We are often reminded about the importance of taking action and more often than not, we stay frozen as we don’t know what action to take. But realising it or not, you have already started taking action, within your own timing and understanding, this being aligned and inspired action. Don’t undervalue the small steps, because as from the moment you know you deserve the best in life, all your actions from that moment will reflect this belief. I used to get myself frozen over the thought of what actions should I take? Why I am being so passive? only to realise that as from the moment I have decided I want something else, something better in life, my actions were already aligned with this.

So my advice, don’t overwhelm yourself with the pressure of taking action, because action is merely a consequence of what you believe, your values and where you want to go. Changing mindset, spending time deciding what you want and why, visualising yourself crossing the bridge, all these are already actions. When you acknowledge and celebrate that, naturally bigger actions will come into place, driving you to a higher speed.

Another metaphor, see it as with the gears in a car: you cannot reach full speed directly, you need to start the engine, shift to first gear, allow for the sufficient rotations to be achieved to shift to the second gear and so on. But you can only shift gears when you start the engine and what I want to send you as a message, is that the engine is already ignited, only by your mere thoughts of demanding more and better from life (because sitting in a hole too long is not comfy). Sometimes you just need for someone to make you aware of it (because it might have already happened to you that the engine is already on and you get the feeling is not, especially with the new electric cars).

So one last thing, remember, you cannot drive a car looking backwards, unless you are intentionally going backwards. The same for taking yourself to the next level: spend more time looking forward and discover in what areas you need to grow to get to where you want. And if where you want to be is not yet clear, identify how you want to feel in your life. And with this, be confident that you have already taken action and are moving forward and celebrate that.



Ana-Maria Nazare
Ana-Maria Nazare

Written by Ana-Maria Nazare

Accredited Transformational Coach facilitating growth for a thriving life on your own terms

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